A’van Club of Australia Inc. Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I join the A’van Club of Australia Inc.
Full details, rules, cost and online application are found on the Club website under “Joining the Club”,
Attending a Club event
A potential member is welcome to attend once as a guest to view the club operations before joining the club. This can be at any event anywhere under “Events” on the club website. Contact the secretary for full details of the event – secretary@avanclubaust.org.au
Members attending any event anywhere listed under “Club Calendar” on the club website or in “The A’vanner”, must book with the caravan park or venue themselves. Then advise the listed host of their attendance, this also allows the host to advise you of further details regarding the event.
Purchasing a folding A’van
While this is a personal choice, if you are purchasing a second hand van there are vans for sale on the club website under “A’vans for Sale”. These are usually member’s selling their pre loved van, but can be paying members of the public. The club doesn’t have anything to do with the sale apart from having the advert on the club website; it is between you and the seller. We do not offer technical assistance on vehicles or vans – but members may be willing to help, just ask.
It is suggested that you view A’van Campers website to see details of the various models and layouts to find the model that best suits your needs. https://www.avan.com.au/our-range/campers/
The club cannot give advice regarding a particular van or give comment on the price being charged.
Can I tow an A’van with my particular vehicle?
The Club cannot advise on this – you need to check the towing specifications of your vehicle against the specifications of the A’van model concerned. https://www.avan.com.au/our-range/campers/
Selling a folding A’van
Members with membership of over 12 months can sell for free. Details for under 12 months membership, a non-member or an ex-member, can be found under “Policies” – Charging Policy.
Details regarding placing the advertisement are found on the web site under “A’vans for Sale”
Pet Policy
The club has a policy regarding pets at any Club event; full details are on the club website under “Policies” – Pets Policy.
Accessing the website member’s area
Details are found on the website under “Member’s Area” where you will need to setup up an account using your membership number and a password of your choosing.
Membership renewal and cost
All membership subscriptions are due on 1st April each year.
Current renewal is outlined under “Policies” – Charging Policy.
Members are given 90 days to renew their membership, after this date a rejoining fee is charged. Payment by EFT is preferred. The February “The A’vanner” will have details of renewal. No other reminders are sent
Lapsed Membership
Using your previous membership number a rejoining fee is charged with current subscription fee. Contact membership@avanclubaust.org.au for full details.
Member change of details
Fill out the form on the member’s webpage “Change of details form”. This is emailed to the membership secretary who will change the club data base.
Replacement badges or stickers
Replacement badges and van stickers can be ordered by sending an email to membership@avanclubaust.org.au. Badges cost $5 per badge, stickers cost $3 each, and both include return postage. Payment can be via EFT to the club account.
Charging and refund policies
Details regarding charges and refund policy are available on the club website under “Policies”.
Posting of The A’vanner
There are 2 issues of “The A’vanner” newsletter each year February and August. The copies are posted during those months, if you haven’t received a copy by the start of the following month contact newsletter@avanclubaust.org.au
Can I host a Club Gathering?
Yes, once you become a member, you may have a favourite spot you would like to share with other A’vanners. Speak to your regional/group Coordinators about what is involved, but typically a venue needs to be booked and perhaps some local activities, like lunch/dinner or sightseeing, and the details provided for The A’vanner and club website.
Attending a National Gathering
Once the date is announced and Caravan Park bookings are open you will need to:
- Book with the Caravan Park or if multiple parks are being used, the park of your choosing.
- Fill out the online registration form on the club website.
- Pay the registration fee and optional dinner cost using your bank EFT.
- Once you have registered and paid the fee you will be sent a confirmation email or letter.
- Check the website for the program and other information regarding the National Gathering.
- On the National Gathering registration day, (the first day) confirm your attendance and collect relevant documents, information, gift(s) and make booking for attending activities.
How to contact the committee and group coordinators
Send your Query and contact details via email to secretary@avanclubaust.org.au
How to view the Club Constitution
Found on the club website under “Policies” – Constitution